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Another full house, another star group of local causes

Supporting us will support Wells and our future.  That was a message from the winners of October 5th’s Wells SOUP – Blue School Plastic Free and Eco Group.

Their pitch was presented by two 15-year-old students, Morven Jamieson and Orlando Borodale, who told how they had eliminated plastic bottles at the school as well as having educated staff and students about reducing waste.

Now their ambitions include setting up an eco-conference for all local schools.

They went away with a £350 cheque while the other three good causes presenting each received £118. They were:

Alzheimer’s Society manager Teresa Mason said the charity works to find a cure and support people living with dementia through initiatives like their Singing for the Brain sessions in Wells’ Seager Hall. One man had said: “I used to be a professional singer but lost my confidence. Now I have regained it and can sing in front of the whole group.”

PromiseWorks was represented by Richard Davey who explained how the charity helps through mentoring the hundreds of vulnerable young people left in need by Social Service cuts in Somerset. He said: “Promiseworks tries to give them hope and optimism and a future of confidence and self-respect.”

Stoma Heroes founder Shane Green told how he went to hospital with a bowel problem and was given a stoma, an opening on the abdomen that can be connected to your digestive or urinary system to allow waste to be diverted out of your body. People with one often suffered depression and lack of confidence. He said: “I started Stoma Heroes in Wells to remove the stigma and help those struggling to get back into society.”

Earlier Sam James of Hope for Tomorrow, winners of the previous SOUP, told the packed Connect Centre how the money paid for two days when Wells cancer patients were treated in Wells on the charity’s mobile clinic rather than having to make the journey to Taunton.

Ross Young of Wells Independents, who organise SOUP, thanked Bowleys Garage for match-funding the money taken at the door, the Blue School for making the soups, Waitrose for giving the vegetables, Sante the wines, Morrisons the soft drinks, Mickey the flowers and Burns the Bread for, you guessed it, the bread.

If you know of a good local cause that might benefit from SOUP email Ross Young on or phone 07721 523487.

The next Wells SOUP will at the same venue at 1pm on Saturday, January 11.

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