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Wells SOUP has now supported 43 Wells community groups

On Saturday October 27th, Wells SOUP raised the number of good causes it has supported to a remarkable 43!

The latest four told the lively audience in the Connect Centre what they do for the community and each went away with money to help with their voluntary work.

First was Stella Jefferies of STAR. This stands for Somerset Trust for Arts and Recreation. They provide opportunities through music, art, sport and recreation to some of our most vulnerable and disadvantaged young people aged five-25.

Next was Horrington Cricket Club whose Kevin Russell explained it was one of the smallest village cricket clubs in the county.  They received no grants and wanted money to train their eight to 18-year-old juniors in the sport.

Ruth Ames-White told how the Wells in Mosaic project would create a six-metre diameter walkable map of Wells city centre on the Recreation Ground using 750,000 little tiles of the highest quality which can take the weight of a lorry.

Helen Loring from Mendip MS Society said they support people living with the disease and their families. They run keep fit classes, art therapy and social events, as well as raising money for research into the disease which causes insularity.

Then the 82 in the audience cast their votes with STAR getting most and £350. The other three got £118 each.

The audience also heard from Caroline Saunders of Somerset Levels Carriage Riding for the Disabled who came to tell them how they used the £350 they won at July’s SOUP.

The compere Paddy O’Hagan thanked the sponsors, the Swan Hotel in Sadler Street, who match-funded £350 taken on the door, and Wells Blue School who made the two varieties of delicious soup.

Waitrose provided the soup ingredients, Burns the Bread the bread, Santé the wines, Micky in Wells market the table flowers, Morrisons the beer and soft drinks. The soup that was not eaten was given to the Connect Centre, which supports the homeless.

The Wells Independents organise SOUP and the next one will be at the same venue on Saturday, January 12 2019 and the sponsor is Chubb Bulleid solicitors.

Wells Independents would also like to thank Nancy Dodd, the only Freeman of Wells living in the city, for sponsoring the following SOUP which is on Saturday, April 13.

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